Best Practices for Integrating Literature into MOSST

Where, why, and how to include literature in the lessons! Check out the video for a more detailed—and fun!—explanation.

Books on our Book List reinforce our mission statement: Feel. Connect. Act to Heal.

  • Books teach self-compassion— important to see others like you, hear their thoughts, connect to and relate to their experiences (Connection to Self)
  • Books teach empathy— seeing others who might be different from you, exposure to a wide range of experiences; It is vital to deliberately show books with a diverse range of characters so that children see both themselves and their peers represented in stories (Connection to Others)
  • Books teach us about the world we live in. It’s important to hear stories about people, cultures, and places we do not have direct experiences with so that we learn to hold multiple perspectives in our minds. Social justice— books can be great starting points for discussions about inequities in society. They can also be catalysts for change and action  (Connection to the World)
  • Some of the books are also about mindfulness itself and serve as a great resources for expanding on the content of this curriculum!

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